What is an Unmatched Bet? – Learn How to Overcome All Obstacles

Unmatched bet issues arise when you place a wager at a betting exchange, and it doesn’t find a corresponding matched bet. This betting guide gives a coherent unmatched bet definition and highlights the situations leading to such an outcome. It also provides advice on how to deal with such a situation affecting your sports betting strategies.
Once you understand what an unmatched bet means, you start your matched betting adventure at betting exchanges. It is one of the betting terms that beginners should master to elevate their status and enjoy long-term success.
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What is an unmatched bet?

Matched vs. Unmatched Bets
You can cover all outcomes efficiently when you find the right matched betting odds at betting exchanges. In contrast, bets that fail to find a corresponding counter will be unmatched, so one side of the bet will remain open. This leads to exposure of that result, so the entire matched betting strategy is compromised. To better understand the difference, it’s worth considering this example.
In a match between Lazio and Cagliari, you back the favorite. Now, you want to use lay betting at the Betfair exchange at odds of 1.56. If you bet up to £870, you will have a matched bet since the market has sufficient liquidity.
On the other hand, if you hope for odds of 1.55, you will have an unmatched bet since 1.56 is the lowest you can go at this time. You can either wait for the arts to drop or act immediately, in which case any amount you bet will be automatically transferred to the “back all” column.

Partially matched vs. Unmatched bets
What happens if a bet is unmatched on Betfair depends on the odds and amount wagered. We use the same example but lay the draw this time and see what happens. The lowest odds currently available are 4.50, so betting at the next lowest of 4.40 will leave the entire wager open. Since you don’t get any coverage, this will be an unmatched bet, producing no outcome.
However, if you bet £500 at odds of 4.50, this will result in a partially matched bet. That’s because there is only liquidity for £348 and the difference of £152 will be a Betfair exchange bet unmatched. Assuming you do nothing to correct the situation, you will be paid for a bet of £348 if it wins and the £152 will be returned. Awareness is essential to find matched odds and avoid unmatched scenarios.
Reasons for unmatched betting
To understand the unmatched meaning and what if an exchange bet is unmatched, you should look at the most common reasons. On their own or together, they prevent successful matched betting and must be addressed promptly to be successful.
Managing unmatched bets
If you spend enough time at the betting exchange wagering, a Betfair bet unmatched will inevitably occur. This is a problem only if you are unaware of the changes because what happens to an unmatched bet depends on you. Follow this betting advice to deal with such situations and quickly steer the ship around for any type of sports betting.
Steps to solve unmatched bets
Risks and considerations
Tips to avoid unmatched and partially matched bets
Once you understand what does unmatched bet mean on Betfair and other betting exchanges, you can reduce its impact. Whether you fancy money line betting or dwell on more complex markets, these tips can help you minimize the effects of unmatched and partially matched bets.
Utilizing filters
Dealing with unmatched and partially matched bets is a nuisance. The good news is that you can avoid this by opening a betting account with platforms that offer free online filters. When you consider laying a bet at larger amounts, such as $500, you can use the “availability” filter for that amount. The software will search the market and only display a minimum of $500 betting options.

Check liquidity before betting
Liquidity differs based on how popular a sport and competition are with the general public. The higher the amount you plan on betting, the more likely you are to run into low liquidity at some point, especially in over/under betting markets. The same instruments that help with finding the right odds for a lay bet will help you in this matter.
For every major competition, such as the Europa League, the games are listed based on popularity. When betting double-digit amounts, you won’t have too many problems, but a $500 bet can be tricky. Check the odds in the queue, and if they meet your expectations, input the desired values in the calculator. Focus on the „availability” column to see the liquidity for your match of choice.

Your guide to unmatched betting
Matched bets usually depend on a combination of a bookmaker and a betting exchange. The former locks in the highest odds on the “back” function and the latter for “lay” betting flexibility. Betfair is one of the most popular betting exchanges, providing some of the best opportunities. You will be betting against other punters, not the house; this gives advanced bettors an edge over casual ones.
Example of an unmatched bet at Betfair
How to fix an unmatched bet
An unmatched bet is a rather frequent occurrence when you bet on football using betting exchanges. It happens when a bet does not meet a counterpart at the chosen odds. The usual suspects are limited liquidity or fluctuating odds. Here’s how to fix it, using a real-life example from a Europa League match:
There are three possible ways to deal with the situation and fix the unmatched bet:

How to Fix a Partially Matched Bet
A partially matched bet is a unique situation caused by insufficient market liquidity. The same example from the Europa League will help us illustrate the case and possible solutions.

Pros and cons of placing unmatched bets
- You can always opt to take the Betfair SP on selected markets
- Unmatched bets can always be cancelled
- There are plenty of resources available at exchanges to help with this
- A common occurrence when market events are days, even weeks away
- You will not be paid out on voided Unmatched bets
Reduce the fallout of unmatched betting
Matched betting is the most effective way of using bonuses and offers to make guaranteed profits. The unmatched bet is the other side of the coin and the situation you will inevitably be confronted with. Left unattended, unmatched bets can ruin your strategy and lead to unexpected financial loss.
You can reduce the risks and shortcomings by monitoring the odds, keeping the stakes sensible, and focusing on high-liquidity sports and matches. Get familiar with the common reasons for unmatched bets and act intelligently to reduce the effects of fluctuating odds and insufficient liquidity. Stay positive and use every unmatched bet as a chance to learn and improve your matched betting strategy.
Frequently Asked Questions about unmatched betting:
An unmatched bet occurs in betting exchanges when your proposed bet is not accepted by any other users at the odds or stakes you've set.
In a sense. A matched bet is one where punters have taken the lay. By contrast, an unmatched bet is one where the price you want (and the lay) is no longer available.
Pretty much. Online bookmakers do not offer betting options in quite the same way as an exchange sites. Therefore, you are unlikely to see unmatched bets elsewhere.
An unmatched bet is rarely profitable. We strongly suggest that you cancel your stake and place a new matched bet at the currently available odds should it occur to you.
What happens to an unmatched bet that you leave is seldom a good thing. You should not just leave it, as you will not be paid out if nobody backs your lay. Because of this risk, we would recommend taking a matched bet every time.
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